谷晨企業有限公司 Goal Sun Co., Ltd


About Us

GOAL SUN Co., Ltd., established in February 2004, is a subsidiary of FULLJIHN Machinery Company, established in 1970. While Fulljihn is specialized in producing low, high, ultrahigh air compressors, we are specialized in the production of Goal Sun self-branded nitrogen generators and FULL air compressors; moreover, we are in charge of the local and overseas sales activity for Fulljihn.

we offer the clients the most complete and economic air compressor gas flow plant. We take orders of any special configuration requirement and provide on-site customized design and training courses.

The Brand

We employ the PSA technology to produce nitrogen. The Goal Sun nitrogen generators are principally categorized into industrial use and inflating use.

The industrial nitrogen generator is at a pressure level of 6kg/cm2 and a purity level of 96 to 99.999%.

  1. The concentration and output levels are adjustable according to the requirement with carbon molecular sieve (CMS). The higher the purity level, the less the output; and vice versa.
  2. High purity level, low dew point, low cost, and in small volume.
  3. After the installation and the connection with power and with compressed air, the generator runs all year round under automatic control. Further switching on-and-off of power and adjustment of nitrogen pressure is not required.

Advantages of inflating tire with more than 95% nitrogen:

  1. Nitrogen generator for inflating use is at a pressure level of 6-12kg/cm2 and purity level of 96%.
  2. Nitrogen is inflammable. During long trip, though high temperature is caused due to the friction between the tire and the ground, thanks to the unreactive nature of nitrogen, the temperature of the air inside the tire remaisn rather constant, which results further in steady tire pressure, lower probability of puncture, longevity of parts of the bearing.
  3. Nitrogen, due to the low due point, is lack of moisture content, which reduces the oxidation of steel or alloy rim.
  4. Inflation with nitrogen increases the elasticity of the tire and enhances its shock absorption functionality, which allows smoother driving even on bumping roads.
  5. Sound wave transmission is lower in Nitrogen than that in normal air. As a result, the volume of noise in the car is lower, which is better to eardrums as well as switches down the tendency of fatigue of the driver.
  6. The longevity of tire of nitrogen inflation is more than 25% longer than that of normal air inflation – an eco-solution in terms of reducing scrapped tires.

Feature Products

NPSA-20 NPSA-42 NPSA-82 NPSA-120 NPSA-200 NPSA-250
Vehicle Motorcycle Small Vehicle Mini Truck Mini Truck Truck Truck
Inlet Air Pressurekg/cm2 7 7 11 11 13 13
Outlet N2 Pressurekg/cm2 6 6 10 10 13 13
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